Explore our beautiful roses
Shop our range of beautiful roses below. We have roses for gardens large and small, plus for patios and small outdoor spaces. They also they make great gifts for gardeners - whether it’s a birthday, anniversary or any other occasion you can think of. You can buy our rose plants online, or come see us at our rose nursery in Apuldram.
When you order rose plants online with Apuldram Roses, we ensure that our rose plant deliveries are in safe and sturdy packaging to keep your plants in a good condition when they arrive.
Looking to buy roses online in the UK?
We are dedicated rose sellers in the UK that ensure every rose is carefully cared for in our Sussex nursery before being packaged up and sent to wherever you are in the United Kingdom. We have a beautiful collection of roses that you can order online, plus with all of your online rose plant purchases, you can earn points through our loyalty system.
Looking for cheap rose plants for sale in the UK?
We grow and sell roses all year round, and sometimes we have roses plants on sale that you can take advantage of. Make sure you keep an eye on our site for any great offers that may pop up.
Where to purchase roses?
There are many rose plant suppliers in the UK, but we are a small independent family business that works hard to ensure our roses are looked after to the best standard. We grow all the roses ourselves in West Sussex and handle every order with the same care we take to grow our plants. You can also visit our nursery to pick out your own rose plants.
How do we deliver our roses?
We dispatch your order within 48 hours for the purchase of potted roses. Rose delivery costs are as follows
1 - 5 potted roses total delivery will cost £7.50
6-12 potted roses total delivery will cost £14.00
13+ potted roses, total delivery will cost: £20.00
For more information on all of our deliveries, please read our delivery and returns information.
Have any questions about buying roses?
We are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. If you have questions about buying roses to plant, how our rose plant delivery works, or anything else, just get in touch.