At Apuldram Roses we don't just want to sell you a rose, we want to encourage you to love roses and learn how to care for them, from planting to pruning, deadheading to feeding. We don't believe any other plant in your garden gives you as much as a rose will, they are generous and beautiful, but they are also greedy and need plenty of feeding. Did you know that a well fed rose is far less likely to fall susceptible to black spot and a thirsty rose is more likely to have mildew. We often give talks on roses and you'd be surprised how many people forget about feeding roses and wonder why the once prize winning plant is sad and tired. Which food to feed, we don't much mind as long as it says "rose food" general purpose is just not enough, at our courses we'll explain which is the best and why.

Here at Apuldram Roses we run courses on growing roses throughout year, concentrating on seasonal topics;
February and March are the months for pruning and we have 6 workshops held on Saturdays, we aim to give people the confidence to go home and tackle their own roses, all to often pruning is shrouded in mystery and can be very daunting for the inexperienced. It is important to remember that no pruning ever killed a rose, if it dies it wasn't your pruning that killed it!
April and May are the months we look at feeding and good disease prevention, preparing the roses for a long summer and autumn of beautiful blooms and healthy foliage.
June and July, the season of the rose, come and sip tea and eat cake among the fabulous and colourful blooms with the sweet perfume that fills the air. Learn how we propagate roses, choose which varieties to grow and which ones we let go and why. We will show you how to deadhead which will encourage your rose to repeat flower. We talk about our exhibition days when medals were won and lost!
August and September we look at how to get the best from the remain months and how we begin to prepare the roses for bed.
October and November we teach you how to tuck the roses up for the winter and how we prune the Ramblers, Ramblers are best pruned in the autumn and we show you how and why.
NEW this season, 2025, in June we have an Art workshop, two days learning to express your artistic self painting in acrylics on board, our resident artist Henry Sabini will be on hand to encourage you to be free with colour and brush stokes, be as bold as our blooms!
All of our events include Elizabeth's delicious homemade cakes, Chocolate, Orange, Strawberry or Banana, all mouth wateringly good our coffee is great too. all available throughout the summer if you are attending a workshop or not!
Apuldram Roses aims to inspire you to love the rose our nations flower after all and a part of our long history. So come and join us.
