🍁Bare Root🍁
🍁 What is the difference between planting now or waiting until the autumn? Here are the answers!
🍁 Traditionally, the busiest season for rose growers was in the autumn. This is when the bare root season begins, and is well known as the best time for planting.
🍁As the years have gone by, gardeners have got more used to buying potted roses. This means that you buy the rose plant in a pot during the growing season.
🍁Why is the autumn better? When we lift the roses they are dormant, so their roots are not being broken or disturbed. They go straight from our field to your garden without noticing that they’ve moved. This is better for the plant, as it comes up in spring it sends out its roots in its new home and can get a head start with growing.
🍁 They also require less care, when planting in the summer months you have to be very careful with watering and feeding, which isn’t necessary while the rose is dormant.
🍁More choice, as we move through the summer season we start to sell out of some of our lovely varieties. In the autumn you can choose from over 250 different varieties, and reserve them to make sure you don’t miss out!
😮🍁 So now you know! You can put your bare root orders in online or over the phone ☎️ www.apuldramroses.co.uk